Autumnal Hiking in Lapland (in Sweden and Norway)

Last September, I embarked on a 16-day backpacking adventure through the stunning wilderness of Lapland. I experienced everything autumn had to offer: wind, rain, sunshine, vibrant foliage, and even a touch of snow. My journey took me through the Kebnekaisefjäll and Narvikfjell areas, following this route:

Nikkaluokta – Visttasvággi – Kaskasavagge – Tarfala – Guobirvággi – Gautelis – Čáihnavággi – Čunojávri – Alesjaure – Unna Visttasvággi – Vistas – Alisjávri (Sami Settlement) – Abiskojaure – Kårsavagge – Abisko

Autumn in Lapland - From Nikkaluokta to Abisko on Twisted Paths - 16 Days Solo Hike

To immerse myself fully in the beautiful nature, I deliberately avoided the more frequented sections like the King’s Trail (Kungsleden). This adventure was incredible, filled with breathtaking landscapes and serene moments, though it did come with its challenges. There were times when I questioned my decision, thinking, “What am I doing here when I could be sitting in a warm, dry office, sipping coffee?” However, those tough moments quickly faded into the background.

The above video I created to convey the essence of the experience. Below, you’ll find some of the photos I took along the way.

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