Breton Seascapes

Côte Granite Rose
Côte Granite Rose

In spring I travelled to Brittany (France). The major attraction for me as landscape photographer was the coastline. Also the cities (like Saint-Malo) are beautiful and worth a visit. While I was positively surprised by the cities which I expected to be “tourist traps” as the area is a major travel destination, the landscape left me a bit disappointed. It is often scarred from the sheer quantity of visitors and the coast is made accessible by at least one parking area every single kilometer. Well, I am exaggerating a bit.

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Off the beaten track – hiking in Sarek

Sarek national park is located in the Swedish part of Lapland to the north of the Arctic Circle. Although (or should I say because?) I had visited the area already last year I returned this year to walk a different route and spend again two weeks in one of the most remote areas of Europe. With this article I want to give you some background information on my hike, my motivation and practical aspects.

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Painting with Light