Return to Sarek

Game of Light
Game of Light

In late summer I returned to Sarek – the largest high mountain area in northern Sweden. It is one of the most beautiful places I’ve been to. As the last time, I hiked two weeks covering approximately 200 km (see also last year’s post or gallery). Although hiking in the same area, the overlap with last year’s hike was less than 10 km. In the following some preview images, more information and of course pictures will follow.

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Caldera Views

The following two images show details of the Caldera de Taburiente on the island La Palma (Canary Islands). Hopefully, I will soon be able to publish the entire gallery from my trip.

Clouds & Rocks
Clouds & Rocks
Caldera from Cumbrecita
Caldera from Cumbrecita

Painting with Light