On foot through the mountains in Swedish Lapland (more pictures to come)

Strip of Light
Strip of Light

Until a few days ago I have been hiking in the mountains in the very north of Sweden. My exploration lasted almost two weeks. The longest part of my hike was within the boundaries of the national park Sarek, the most mountainous area in Sweden. This largely untouched area is only accessible on foot and has no marked trails, accommodations or other man-made infrastructure (except for a single emergency phone and two bridges).

Continue reading On foot through the mountains in Swedish Lapland (more pictures to come)

Iceland Gallery Online

It took a long time but finally I managed to put the gallery of my pictures from Iceland online. Click here or the image below to view it.

Unfortunately we weren’t able to do everything that we had planned (for example the hike of Laugavegur), but it was great nonetheless. One thing is for sure: I will return!


Hafragilsfoss Video

During my visit to Iceland I started to experiment with video for the first time. I came to the conclusion that this is a great way to show people the dynamics of some scenes like waterfalls. The video below was captured at the same spot as this image and shows Hafragilsfoss. This waterfall with a height of 27 meters is formed by the river Jökulsá á Fjöllum and located a few Kilometers downstream from Dettifoss.

My effort is focused on photography; videos are merely a side-product of my work but you may find them interesting nevertheless, especially in combination with the photos.

By the way: I am still working on the photos from Iceland, they will be published as soon as I am finished.

Painting with Light